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This is a website where we post some of our audio teachings, video blogs, podcasts, and other things that we hope you will enjoy. We have a passion for living eternally-focused, Spirit-led lives, and we love to see people transformed by God's presence!

Gal 5-25 - Since We.png
Gal 5-25 - Let Us.png
Galatians 5-25.png
Romans 8-14 - for those.png
Romans 8-14 - by the Spirit.png
Romans 8-14 - are the.png
Romans 8-14.png
Galatians 5.18 but if you are.png
Galatians 5.18 you are not.png
Galatians 5.18.png
I often wonder if religion is the enemy of God. It’s almost like religion is what happens when the Spirit has left the building.
— Bono
Anything that is done as a regulatory measure to identify people as Christ’s rather than The Spirit is a form of slavery
— Gordon Fee
It’s difficult to get the same fruit as the early church when we value a book they didn’t have more than the Holy Spirit they did have.
— Bill Johnson
What would the church look like if our whole desire was to attract the Holy Spirit instead of people?
— Rick Joyner
Romans 8.2 - For the law.png
Romans 8.2 - has made me free.png
Romans 8.2 - From the law.png
Romans 8.2.png