Welcome to the Healing, Power, and Authority Series! In this series David teaches on the scriptural basis for divine healing, how to keep your healing, the believer's authority, understanding God's empowering presence, and the importance of raising your expectations. If you scroll down, you will see that each audio teaching has a title and a brief description followed by an audio file where you can either listen to the teaching from our website or download the Mp3. Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start playing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of each audio file. Hope you enjoy this series!

David Cwir - The Incomparably Great Power for Us Who Believe

As believer’s, Christ’s incomparably great power and authority belongs to us whether we realize it or not (Eph. 1:19). The value of our authority rests on the power that is behind that authority: God Himself is the power behind our authority! Believers who thoroughly understand that the power of God is backing them can exercise their authority and face the enemy fearlessly (Luke 10:19). But just knowing this isn't enough: It's knowledge acted upon that brings results. We have to do something with the authority that has been given to us. But what? Check out this audio message to learn crucial keys from the prayers of Paul and the life of Christ on how to exercise the power and authority that Jesus bestowed upon all believers in a practical and effective way:

David Cwir - The Power and Ministry of Divine Healing

In the Gospels, Jesus’ pattern was to preach that “the Kingdom of God has come near” and then demonstrate the reality of the Kingdom by ministering healing. In fact, there are over 80 passages in the Bible where Jesus and the disciples healed people. The ministry of healing is such an important aspect of the gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus mandated that all of His disciples follow His example by healing the sick. As New Covenant believers, we need to know and understand our authority in Christ to heal the sick so that we can fully proclaim the gospel of Christ. If you would like to learn more about the scriptural basis of divine healing, you can download David's message at the following link:

David Cwir - How to Keep Your Healing

Ever wonder why sometimes people who receive divine healing feel well for a while, but then the symptoms come back and can even get worse than before? The purpose of this week’s message is to address why this happens and to help those who have been healed stay healed! If you are interested in hearing more about how to defend and keep your healing, you can learn more about it in this week’s message at the following link:

David Cwir - The Believer's Authority

Jesus has delegated His power and authority over the devil to all believers on the earth. God's plan for us is that we rule and reign over circumstances, poverty, disease, and everything that is not in line with His Kingdom. When we realize that the authority that belongs to Christ also belongs to individual members of the Body of Christ, our lives will be revolutionized! If you are interested in hearing more about the authority we have in Christ and keys to exercising that authority over all the power of the enemy, then you can download David's message at the following link:

David Cwir - Understanding God's Empowering Presence

From His conception to His resurrection, everything about Jesus Christ’s life and ministry was a result of the Spirit’s work: He was conceived by the Spirit (Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:35); He was led by the Spirit (Matthew 4:1; Luke 4:1); He was empowered to do ministry by the Spirit (Luke 4:14-20); He spoke the Word of God by the Spirit (John 3:34; John 6:63); He was raised from the dead by the Spirit (Romans 8:11). Not only did Jesus delegate His authority to us, He also gave us the same power that He operated in through the Holy Spirit so that we could carry on His work until he returns. If you would like to hear more on life in the Spirit, you can download David's message at the following link:

David Cwir - Raising Your Expectations

Expectancy is synonymous with faith. In this week’s message, David teaches about the importance of raising our expectations and believing God for the impossible. There are absolutely no limits with God, as Jesus tells us in Mark 9:23 “Everything is possible for him who believes.” If you would like hear about the importance of believing God for the impossible, scriptural promises that will absolutely transform your life if you get a hold of them, and how to get breakthrough in your prayer life according to Jesus, then check out this week’s message at the following link: