David Cwir - The Believer's Authority

Jesus has delegated His power and authority over the devil to all believers on the earth. God's plan for us is that we rule and reign over circumstances, poverty, disease, and everything that is not in line with His Kingdom. When we realize that the authority that belongs to Christ also belongs to individual members of the Body of Christ, our lives will be revolutionized! If you are interested in hearing more about the authority we have in Christ and keys to exercising that authority over all the power of the enemy, then you can download David's message at the following link:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

David Cwir - How To Keep Your Healing

Ever wonder why sometimes people who receive divine healing feel well for a while, but then the symptoms come back and can even get worse than before? The purpose of this week’s message is to address why this happens and to help those who have been healed stay healed! If you are interested in hearing more about how to defend and keep your healing, you can learn more about it in this week’s message at the following link:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

Trisha Cwir - Grace for Fasting

Do you fast? Is fasting even biblical? Join Trish as she journeys through the bible, proving that fasting is not just biblical, it’s powerful!

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

David Cwir - The Power and Ministry of Divine Healing

In the Gospels, Jesus’ pattern was to preach that “the Kingdom of God has come near” and then demonstrate the reality of the Kingdom by ministering healing. In fact, there are over 80 passages in the Bible where Jesus and the disciples healed people. The ministry of healing is such an important aspect of the gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus mandated that all of His disciples follow His example by healing the sick (Matthew 10:8). As New Covenant believers, we need to know and understand our authority in Christ to heal the sick so that we can fully proclaim the gospel of Christ (Romans 15:19). Check out this week's message if you would like to learn more about the Scriptural basis of divine healing.

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

Trisha Cwir - Do Nothing: The Basics of Contemplative Prayer

Do you want to deepen your prayer life? The do nothing! Do you want to have greater intimacy with God? Then do nothing! Do you want to feel God’s presence more in your life? Then do nothing! In this message, Trisha explains how the most powerful posture you can have in prayer is that of receiving from God. If you’re feeling tired and weary, you may just need to rest at his feet for a while. Check out this message and be encouraged to do nothing! :-)

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

David Cwir – God Offends the Mind to Reveal the Heart

In this week’s message, David teaches about the Scriptural examples and illustrations from the ministry of Jesus that show how He used offense as a strategy to reveal people’s hearts. Check out this week’s message if you are interested in learning about why Jesus uses this strategy of offense and how we can learn from it in order to stay on the path of life.

“And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.” ~ Jesus (Matthew 11:6)

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

David Cwir – Bitter Root Judgments and Expectancies

Have you ever noticed recurring patterns in your life that you can’t seem to stop? At some point in our lives, we’ve all made wrong or ungodly judgments of others as a result of their negative words, actions, or behaviors. Bitter roots can come from our negative or sinful reactions to hurts, or the many negative situations we experienced growing up, whereby we allowed bitterness, resentment, negative attitudes, etc. to take root in our heart. Bitter Root Expectancies are a habitual way of viewing how things will go for us. They act like a self-fulfilling prophesy in which we unconsciously “push” people to act how we expect them. Check out this message if you would like to learn more about how to break negative recurring patterns in your life that result from bitter root judgments and expectancies.

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

David Cwir - The Heart is the Heart of the Gospel to the Heart

The heart is one of the most critical aspects of life in the New Covenant, which is why Jesus put the heart at the forefront in many of His teachings. Scriptures from both the Old and New Testament place the heart as the defining aspect that distinguished Old from New covenant living. Yet, the heart is an often neglected topic today. If we are to love God with all of our hearts and live life as New Covenant believers, we must understand the heart and place as much importance on it as other topics emphasized in Scripture. Check out this week's message if you would like to hear more about the heart, its role in the New Covenant, and about ministry to the heart.

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

David Cwir - Freely You Have Received, Freely Forgive

Jesus defines righteousness differently in the New Covenant: Everything we have received is a gift from God, and we must freely give unto others that which we have received. God accepts, forgives, secures, and loves us unconditionally, which means that we no longer have to “earn” these things by doing law. Because righteousness in the New Covenant is predicated on God’s prior acceptance, we are freed up to have a new stance towards others. We are free to love that person who wronged us the way God does; with unconditional forgiveness, kindness, and mercy. Check out this week’s message if you would like to hear more about the importance of forgiveness.

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

David Cwir – Raising Our Expectations

In Jesus' teaching about prayer in Luke 11, He gives us some very important keys on how to pray and how to get answered prayer. In this week's message, David discusses Jesus’ teaching on prayer and the importance of raising our expectations and believing God for the impossible. There are absolutely no limits with God, as Jesus tells us in Mark 9:23 “Everything is possible for him who believes.” Check out this audio message if you would like hear about the importance of believing God for the impossible, scriptural promises that will absolutely transform your life, and how to get breakthrough in your prayer life according to Jesus.

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.