Welcome to the Spiritual History Sermons! This is a collection of sermons that includes two types of messages related to Spiritual History. Some of the messages are a significant part of David and Trisha’s personal spiritual history. For example, you’ll find the first sermon David ever preached on July 29, 2007 after his life-changing trip to The Call in Nashville on 07/07/07/. Although they hadn’t met yet, Trisha was an intern with Lou Engle at the time and spent several months with him and others praying for The Call. The other types of messages are about what God has done through past Spirit Movements/Revivals that have influenced David and Trisha either directly or indirectly. For example, in one message David gives a brief historical overview going back to the Jesus Movement in the 1960’s and 70’s and through the Vineyard/Third Wave movement in the 80’s and 90’s to give a foundation of what the Spirit emphasized in these past movements that is still a part of who we (personally and corporately as a church) are today. The thread that ties all of these messages together is that they are in some way related to David and Trisha’s Spiritual History with The Lord. We hope you enjoy them!

If you scroll down, you will see that each audio teaching has a title and a brief description followed by an audio file where you can either listen to the teaching from our website or download the Mp3. Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start playing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of each audio file.

Note: You can click here if you would like to view a summary list of the titles in this series.

Our Journey in the Spirit: How the Lord Led Us In Encounters, Marriage, and to Ministry

In this message, Trisha and David talk about their story of life in the Spirit and share their journey about their call to ministry. It includes the story of how they met at the Lakeland revival, and reunited at Bethel Church in Redding, California, where they were eventually married. Check out this message if you want to hear the story about how The Lord led them together, how He fulfilled specific promises about where they would live and what they would do, and how He ultimately led them to ministry. Through their story they share why they have a passion for living Spirit-led lives, the fruit it produced in their own life, and why they love to see people transformed by His glorious presence. This message was originally given on October 8, 2017 as a part of The Spirit Series.

Testimony and Prophetic Message from The Call Nashville 07/07/07

After a life-changing week leading up to The Call Nashville on 07/07/07, David was asked by the Pastor’s at Mountain View Christian Assembly to share about his testimony and the prophetic message that he received. Not only was this testimony a significant part of David’s personally history with The Lord, but the message that came out of it is a prophetic message about the significance of people’s heart response to historical moves of God and what we can learn from them today. This is also the very first sermon David ever preached at a church (spoken on July 29, 2007). Although they hadn’t met yet, Trisha was an intern with Lou Engle at the time of The Call and spent several months leading up to it praying and interceding with Lou and his other interns. It was a very awesome and significant time in their lives.

David Cwir – The Prophetic History of the Revival in the 1990s

In this message, David goes over the prophetic history of the revival that happened in the 1990s. Most of the message refers back to amazing prophecies that God gave key prophetic figures in the 1980’s (e.g., Mike Bickle, Paul Cain, Bob Jones) about what would happen in the (then) future revival. Not only are the prophetic stories amazing, but God gave some crucial messages about His purposes for the revival: one of which was to produce humility in His people. Check out this message if you are interested in the prophetic history as well as important lessons that we can learn from these stories (Note: much of content in this message was taken from stories that Mike Bickle has told in various messages over the past few decades about the prophetic history of the International House of Prayer). This is the first message David preached when the church we planted started weekly meetings in September, 2015. Although the original message wasn’t recorded because of a technical issue, there were requests from people for the recording afterwards, so David recorded it as a podcast version a couple of days later (which is the version here).

David Cwir - Who Are We? A Spirit-Driven People

This is Part 2 of the message "Who Are We - A Historical Look at Our Spiritual DNA" (see below). In this week’s message, David talks about what it means to be a community of people who are called to be a resting place for The Lord and asks the question, “What would church look like if we built the church to attract The Lord, instead of just trying to attract people?” In addition to discussing some of the spiritual history of the church movement they were a part of, David also teaches on some of the values The Lord gave him and Trisha as the pastors and the vision they had for our local church, which included:

~Our Main Priority: To be a Resting Place for the Lord
~A Community that Highly Values Worship and Prayer
~A Community of People who fully embrace the Word and the Spirit
~A Place Where People Come to Encounter God
~A People who Live and Walk by the Spirit
~A Community of People who are Diligently Seeking and Believing God for “More”

Check out this message if you are interested in learning more about some of the revival history and key values and goals that contribute to a “Spirit-Driven Life"

David Cwir - Who Are We - A Historical Look at Our Spiritual DNA (Part 1)

“Who are we?” A big part of knowing who we are is to know where we have come from. We can learn a lot about our Spiritual DNA by looking at what God has done through past Spirit Movements/Revivals that we can trace our roots back to. In this week’s message, David gives a brief historical overview going back to the Jesus Movement in the 1960’s and 70’s and through the Vineyard/Third Wave movement in the 80’s and 90’s to give a foundation of what the Spirit emphasized in these past movements that is still a part of who we are today (both personally and corporately as a global church). This message was originally recorded on January 1, 2017 at the church David and Trisha planted in Ottawa and focuses on the revival history that they were direct descendants of as a church. Check out this audio message if you are interested in learning more about significant movements, renewals, and revivalists such as Lonnie Frisbee and John Wimber who God used to impact the global church in many ways (e.g., the contemporary worship movement, “power evangelism” etc.).