David Cwir - He is not an “It”: Understanding the Person and Power of the Holy Spirit

Within Christian theology, the role of the Spirit has often been given short shrift and been left on the periphery. As a result, many people have difficulty seeing or relating to Holy Spirit as a Person, which is often reflected in erroneous beliefs that He is some kind of “impersonal force” or “influence” or “it.” In the final analysis we live out what we most truly believe, and relating to Holy Spirit as a Person becomes crucial in our own relationship with God. In fact, your entire walk with God will be transformed if you begin to relate to Holy Spirit as a Person as He empowers us to live the entire Christian life (see Galatians 5:16-25). Check out this week’s audio message if you would like to learn more about Holy Spirit from a biblical perspective as well as a major key to living a Spirit empowered life.