David Cwir - The End Time Realities of Salvation, and the Metaphors that Express them

What is salvation? The early church understood salvation in Christ as a thoroughly End Time reality. However, they also understood that believers live “between the times” with regard to the two resurrections, so that salvation is to be understood as an “Already/Not Yet” reality. That’s why you see the language of salvation is sometimes a PAST EVENT (“we have been saved;” Ephesians 2:8), it is sometimes spoken of as a PRESENT PROCESS (“we are being saved;” 1 Corinthians 1:18), and sometimes the CONCLUSION OF THE PROCESS that is yet to be completed (“we shall be saved;” Romans 5:9). Check out this week’s audio message if you would like to learn more about the multifaceted realities of salvation and the biblical metaphors that are used to express those realities: