Ever wonder why Jesus tells us that Forgiveness is an important part of prayer? Jesus defines righteousness differently in the New Covenant: Everything we have received is a gift from God, and we must freely give unto others that which we have received. God accepts, forgives, secures, and loves us unconditionally, and we are now free to love people who wronged us the way God does; with unconditional forgiveness, kindness, and mercy. Ultimately, forgiveness is what lies at the heart of the gospel: Jesus dying for our sins is God's gracious heart of forgiveness. God granted us unlimited forgiveness and we are called to do the same “forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” If you are interested in learning about the importance of forgiveness in the context of Jesus’ teachings on prayer, then you can download this audio message at the following link [This message was spoken at Oak Bluff Bible Church’s annual Camp Retreat at Camp Cedarwood and was part of a series called “Prayer Keys from the Teachings of Jesus”]