David Cwir - The Eternal Repercussions of Falling Away from the Faith

One of the greatest hindrances to people coming to know the will of God is the fact that when they read the Scriptures, they read what they believe rather than believe what they read. Many people (including myself) grew up believing that “once saved, always saved,” even though the teachings from Jesus Himself and almost every New Testament writer completely contradicts that doctrine. Although controversial to some theological schools of thought, a thorough investigation of scripture eliminates such controversy. If you would like to learn more about this topic, and what the Bible has to say about it, you can download the message at the following link:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.
