David Cwir – Living Life According to The Spirit

What does righteousness look like if we are no longer under law? Christian ethics is not a behavioural requirement that says “now that you have positional righteousness with God, and you have come to new life in the Spirit, here are the Christian rules...[fill in the blank].” Scripture is clear that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. However, it is also clear that we are to seek and pursue righteousness as New Covenant believers (e.g., Matthew 6:33; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:22). The question becomes: if we are no longer under law, how do we seek righteousness and develop Christ-like character without getting into works of the law? The answer: by walking in the Spirit (Galatians 5:18). If you would like hear more about life in the Spirit, you can download the audio message at the following link:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - Impacting Lives for Eternity through Multiplication

"We often equate faithfulness with being steadfast, consistent, dependable, reliable, loyal, true, trustworthy, devoted, and truthful. But if we look at Jesus's teaching, He equates faithfulness with something else—multiplication. Whatever God gives to us, He expects us to multiply and present back to Him." This quote by John Bevere is true and confirmed in Matthew 25:19-23). In regards to our personal life, we can spread the Kingdom as much or as little as we would like—the choice is ours. Check out this audio message if you would like to learn more about how you can advance the Kingdom of God by multiplying what Jesus has entrusted to you at the following link:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - Living Out Your Assigned Destiny

What’s the key to living with a sense of fulfillment and purpose? There is no better place than to be in God’s will, doing what He has created you to do. True contentment will only come when you are walking in your God-given destiny. Otherwise, you will live your life “grasping for the wind” and never find true fulfillment. Not only does finding and walking in our purpose result in a sense of satisfaction, it will also protect us from envy and selfish ambition. If you would like to learn more about finding true contentment in God’s call for your life, you can listen to this audio message “Living Out Your Assigned Destiny” at the following link:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - Keys to Finding and Fulfilling Your Destiny

What is your reason for being placed on this earth? Everyone has a God-given destiny and each of us were created for a specific purpose. The question is: Are you fulfilling your destiny? Check out this week’s audio message to learn about the keys to finding and fulfilling your God-given destiny as well as some of the major areas of entanglement that hinder people from fulfilling the calling that God has placed upon their lives. If you would like to hear more about how to discover and walk-out your calling, you can download the audio message at the following link:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

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David Cwir - Fulfilling The Call of God on Your Life

One reason for being here on earth is to build God’s Kingdom. God ordained certain works for us to do, and we will be judged before His throne for whether or not we walked in His plan for our life—not for how well we executed our own plans. In other words, you will not be judged according to what you did, but rather according to what you were called to do! The question is: will we fulfill what was planned for us? Will we walk in what God has ordained for us to fulfill? Or will we mess it up or miss our assignment altogether? If you would like to hear more about keys to “Fulfilling the Call of God on Your Life” you can download this audio message at the following link:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - Living Without Regret

There is no second chance once you have died and stand before the Lord (Hebrews 9:27). People will experience a deep eternal regret if they did not live in the full energy of what the grace of God made available to us—the grace to be completely abandoned to God. Fortunately, Scripture is clear as to how to live a life without regret so that we can be confident and unashamed before Jesus on That Day. Check out this audio message if you would like to learn more about how to live your life fully without regret:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - The Judgement Seat of Christ

The most important day of our entire lives will be when we meet Jesus Face to Face. What matters most about our life is what Jesus will think when we stand before Him on “That Day.” Unfortunately, many are unaware that they will have to give an account for their life here on earth. This misconception often comes from the erroneous idea that all future judgment is eliminated because of salvation, which is completely contrary to scripture (e.g., 2 Corinthians 5:10). Fortunately, we don’t have to meet Jesus unprepared as there are several scriptures that tell us how to live our lives for eternity. If you would like to learn more about how to prepare for “That Day,” you can check out this audio message at the following link:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - Heaven Is For Real

There is a misconception that thinking about Heaven too much is somehow detrimental, which is implicit in the popular, yet misguided exhortation "Don't be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good." This statement may sound good to the religious mind, but it is completed contrary to clear Biblical imperatives that state just the opposite (e.g., Colossians 3:1-4). C.S. Lewis had it right when he said "It is since Christians have largely ceased to think of the other world that they have become so ineffective in this. Aim at Heaven and you will get earth 'thrown in': aim at earth and you will get neither.” Check out this week’s audio message if you would like to learn more about the reality of Heaven:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - Overcoming the Fear of The Fear of The Lord

“The Fear of The Lord” is something that is rarely talked about these days, which is often rooted in people’s difficulty reconciling the love of God with the Fear of God. As a result, people tend to rationalize the Fear of The Lord away in an attempt to resolve this seeming paradox. This is partly due to the misconception that the Fear of The Lord means to be scared of God, when in reality, people who fear The Lord are scared to be AWAY from God. In fact, the Fear of The Lord is a key to greater intimacy with God which is one reason why Jesus even delighted in the fear of The Lord (Isaiah 11:1-3)! If you would like to learn more about the Fear of The Lord and why there is a lot of glory on it, you can listen to or download this week’s message at the following link:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - The Eternal Repercussions of Falling Away from the Faith

One of the greatest hindrances to people coming to know the will of God is the fact that when they read the Scriptures, they read what they believe rather than believe what they read. Many people (including myself) grew up believing that “once saved, always saved,” even though the teachings from Jesus Himself and almost every New Testament writer completely contradicts that doctrine. Although controversial to some theological schools of thought, a thorough investigation of scripture eliminates such controversy. If you would like to learn more about this topic, and what the Bible has to say about it, you can download the message at the following link:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - What Must I Do to Inherit Eternal Life? The Cost of Following Jesus

"Why bother talking about hell?" Jesus discussed Hell frequently in the Gospels. He didn’t see describing the torment and the fact it was never-ending as a lack of compassion, He saw it as an essential to reaching us as the Good Shepherd. Jesus’ teaching on hell was motivated by love, since all He did and taught was out of a heart of compassion. That begs the question: Are we doing the best service to people today by not mentioning hell from our pulpits? Is that true love? Check out this week’s audio message if you would like to learn more about why it is important to discuss eternal punishment and some of the negative repercussions of certain teachings that are becoming popular in some streams of Christianity:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - Beholding the Kindness and Severity of God in Light of Eternal Punishment

Does hell exist? It’s quite fashionable these days for some Christians to deny the existence of hell and the notion of eternal punishment. The teachings of Jesus have never been very popular with the religious folk, but Jesus was never concerned with being acceptable to the religious. Check out this week’s audio message if you’d like to learn more about one of the most controversial and “unhip” topics in Christianity:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - Preparing for Eternity: Did You Learn to Love?

There is a Judgment Day that has been appointed since the foundation of the world (Acts 17:31). Scripture calls the decisions made on that Day eternal judgments (Hebrews 6:2), which means that there will never be any changes, exceptions, alterations, or revisions to those decisions once they are made. In other words, the decisions made on that Day will determine how we spend the rest of eternity! Therefore, it would benefit us tremendously to learn about what God says about eternal judgments so that we will know how we will be judged on that Day. Check out this week's audio message to learn more about the one key that will give us confidence on the Day of Judgment.

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the message, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - Living in Light of Eternity

Does God want you to succeed in life? Absolutely. Part of the difficulty we have, however, is that we tend to define success according to the temporal rather than the eternal. Because of this tendency to define success according to the standards of the world, we often have misguided ambitions and pursuits. Our focus should be to make our life count not only for today, but forever. Check out this week’s message to learn more about how God defines success and how adopting an eternal perspective is key to living a successful life in His eyes.

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.


David Cwir - Humility: The Key to Understanding Truth

Ever wonder why Jesus spoke in parables? Jesus used parables and hid truth in mysteries so that only the humble of heart were able to hear and understand them. Why? Because He knew that the prideful, hard-hearted would reject the truth contained within the parables and that they would receive a more severe judgment as a result (Luke 12:47-48). God judges [people, nations etc.] not according to the amount of evil embraced, but according to the amount of light rejected. So, it’s God’s mercy that He used parables so that the prideful would not receive as severe of a judgment for rejecting the truth contained within them. Seeking to be right only leads to self-righteousness, but in the Kingdom, seeking to be humble results in a knowledge of the truth. Jesus reveals truth to the humble of heart, and therefore, the only way to be “right” is through humility. Check out this week’s audio message if you would like to learn more about how Humility is a prerequisite for understanding truth.

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

David Cwir - The Mantle of Humility

Truth is a Person. Our faith is not a mental assent to a set of propositions, it is relationship with God. Jesus did not base his relationship off of whether people were right or wrong, rather, He hung out with the humble of heart. Jesus’ disciples did not have perfect theology by any means, but they were humble enough to receive Jesus when He came. The problem with seeking to be "right" is that it results in self-righteousness, and scripture says that “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (1 Peter 5:5, James 4:6). Humility is a posture of heart we all must have. Check out this week’s message if you would like to learn more about the absolute importance of humility, what humility looks like according to Scripture, and how crucial humility is in our walk with God.

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

David Cwir – Overcoming the Religious Spirit

Ever wonder why it was the conservative, zealous, religious community that immediately became Jesus’ greatest enemy when He walked the earth? No one on earth prayed more, fasted more, read the Bible more, had a greater hope in the coming of the Messiah, or had more zeal for the things of God than the Pharisees; Yet they were the greatest opposers of God and His Messiah when He came. The most alarming aspect is that those who were the most zealous for the Word of God crucified the Word Himself when He became flesh to walk among them. Why did this happen? Because “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble” [James 4:6 & 1 Peter 5:5; Proverbs 3:34]. Satan knows that God will not inhabit any work that is inflated with pride and that God Himself will even resist such a work. Satan’s strategy is to make us proud—even proud of good things, such as how much we read our Bibles, witness, or feed the poor. He knows that if we do the will of God in pride, our work will be counterproductive and could ultimately even work toward our fall. Check out this audio message at the following link if you would like to learn about why it is so crucial to know about the religious spirit, how it operates, and how we can overcome it.

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

David Cwir - Discerning the Political Spirit

"Be careful," Jesus warned them. "Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod." (Mark 8:15). The religious and political spirit have been the two most insidious enemies of the cross since Christ walked the earth. They are both anti-Christ spirits that are used by the enemy to kill the works and purposes of God. You can see in the life of Christ that these two spirits were always at work to kill Jesus and destroy the work that He was sent to accomplish. For example, Herod tried to kill Jesus when he was still an infant (Mt. 2:1-18)—and together with the Pharisees—the Herodians plotted together to kill Jesus early in His ministry (Mark 3:6). Not only did they both oppose Jesus throughout His life, they ultimately worked together to crucify Him. The tricky thing is that the religious and political spirit have a façade of looking like they are from God (Mt. 2:8). They use scripture and religious language to sound righteous, but they are evil at their root. This is why Jesus warns us about them in Mark 8:15, and this is why we need to be aware of these anti-Christ spirits that seek to kill and destroy the church. Check out this week’s audio message to learn more about the political spirit, how it operates, how to discern it, and how to overcome:.

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

David Cwir - What Was Paul's "Thorn in the Flesh?"

Many people have interpreted Paul's "thorn in my flesh" in 2 Corinthians 12:7 to mean that God allows sickness and disease to keep people humble. In this week’s podcast, David addresses this scripture to show that Paul was not referring to a sickness or disease, but that Paul meant something quite different in context. Check out this week’s podcast if you are interested in learning more about what Paul meant when he said “I was given a thorn in my flesh”

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.

David Cwir - Understanding God's Empowering Presence

From His conception to His resurrection, everything about Jesus Christ’s life and ministry was a result of the Spirit’s work: He was conceived by the Spirit (Matthew 1:18; Luke 1:35); He was led by the Spirit (Matthew 4:1; Luke 4:1); He was empowered to do ministry by the Spirit (Luke 4:14-20); He spoke the Word of God by the Spirit (John 3:34; John 6:63); He was raised from the dead by the Spirit (Romans 8:11). Not only did Jesus delegate His authority to us, He also gave us the same power that He operated in through the Holy Spirit so that we could carry on His work until he returns. If you would like to hear more on life in the Spirit, you can download David's message at the following link:

*Please note that if you choose to listen to the file, it sometimes takes several seconds to start hearing the audio after you click on the play button. To download the file to your computer, simply click where it says "download" at the bottom right hand corner of the audio file.